Self-Service HR Kiosk Software and Enclosures

Power to The People Thru Self-Service Kiosks

GIVE YOUR ENTIRE ORGANIZATION access to the information they need. Maximize your web-based HR investment with a fast, affordable and secure HR kiosk software solution from LIVEWIRE.

  • Allows users access to information in any environment—from the lunch room to the factory floor.
  • Utilizes the latest in industrial-strength kiosk enclosures, software and security features.
  • Provides access to existing HR portal sites and displays them within a web browser.
  • Large navigation buttons provide users with quick and easy access to the information you want them to see.
  • All other areas of the system are locked-down and completely secure.
  • Optional security mat
  • Optional privacy shields
  • Optional privacy filter for monitor
  • Clearing of all cookies and history after each session
  • Phone dialing to call an HR representative
  • Pay stub and other printing capabilities

To learn how to get more from your virtual concierge kiosk system, click here.